Boosting the economy: EU funding for upgrading the Business Zone Pobrežje

Boosting the economy: EU funding for upgrading the Business Zone Pobrežje

Ljubljana, 18 May 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Road in Zone Pobrežje (upgrading the economic-business zone). The project worth EUR 1.3 million will be implemented by the Urban Municipality of Maribor under the Agreement on the development of the Podravje region and will receive EUR 489 thousand of European Regional Development Fund support.

As part of the project, the Urban Municipality of Maribor will construct an access road in the Business Zone Pobrežje and establish community infrastructure along the road. This will establish the conditions for upgrading the Business Zone Pobrežje with adequate access to the main entrance to the zone and internal roads, paths and infrastructure in the inner part of the zone leading to the companies’ facilities. At the end of the project, a total of 4.25 hectares of the zone will be made available. 

By establishing adequate infrastructural conditions in the business zone, the project will promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises that are key drivers of economic development in the region with their added value also being enhanced.

Photo: website

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