Boosting the economy: EU funding for the industrial zone in Municipality Hoče-Slivnica

Boosting the economy: EU funding for the industrial zone in Municipality Hoče-Slivnica

Ljubljana, 14 May 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Southern road connection IC 11. The EUR 913.000 project will be implemented by Municipality Hoče-Slivnica under the Agreement on the development of the Podravje region. The project will be co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund with the contribution from the Fund standing at EUR 462.000.

As part of the project, the municipality aims to construct an access road leading to the existing industrial zone. The new access into the industrial zone from the south will be a 450-meter long two-lane road with a sidewalk. The newly developed infrastructure will help improve traffic flow within and outside the industrial zone. With the latest addition, the municipality also intends to offer new workspace to both the existing and potential new SMEs encouraging them either to start a business or to pursue business expansion. The newly developed serviced site will cover a total of 3.98 hectares.  

The project completion is scheduled for second half of November 2021.

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