Boosting the economy: EU funding for a business incubator in the Industrial-Small Business Zone Neverke

Boosting the economy: EU funding for a business incubator in the Industrial-Small Business Zone Neverke
Photo: Pixabay

Ljubljana, 20 May 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Incubator in the Industrial-Small Business Zone Neverke. The EUR 2.1 million project will be implemented by Municipality Pivka under the Agreement on the development of the Primorsko-notranjska region and supported by the EU, with the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund standing at EUR 1.6 million.

As part of the project, Municipality Pivka will make improvements to the existing Industrial and Small Business Zone Neverke by setting up an incubator covering a total of 1,460 square metres that will offer young businesses and startups workspace and support services encouraging them to embark on an entrepreneurial path in the area of manufacturing activities.

The business incubator catering especially to the needs of businesses engaged in manufacturing activities will promote entrepreneurship in the Promorsko-notranjska region, boost job creation and help improve the competitiveness of other companies in the region.


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