Boosting investment in Slovenian health sector: EUR 5.6 million in EU funds for energy-efficient renovation of seven facilities of University Medical Centre Ljubljana

Boosting investment in Slovenian health sector: EUR 5.6 million in EU funds for energy-efficient renovation of seven facilities of University Medical Centre Ljubljana
Photo: wikipedia

Ljubljana, 18 August 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Energy-efficient renovation of University Medical Centre Ljubljana facilities through a public-private partnership. The EUR 14.46 million energy retrofit project will be implemented by the Ministry of Health and supported by the EU, with the contribution from the Cohesion Fund amounting to nearly EUR 5.6 million. Over 41,000 square metres of net floor area will undergo energy efficiency-driven retrofit.

Seven healthcare facilities or buildings of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana will be renovated as part of the project, i.e. Dr. Peter Držaj Hospital and the adjacent facility of the Centre for Geriatric Medicine, the Department of Dermatovenereology, the Leonišče – outpatient sub-specialty clinic and diagnostic unit, the Old Maternity Hospital, the Maternity Hospital, the Old Traumatology Department and the residence hall for the University Medical Centre staff.

The energy conservation measures undertaken as part of the energy efficiency-driven retrofit will include, among others, replacement of doors and windows in all seven buildings and improvement of building envelopes through additional insulation of roof/wall/attic/basement to reduce heat losses in most of these buildings. Lighting will be upgraded, the heating plant improved and improved ventilation and cooling strategies deployed, including fancoil units for cooling in Dr Peter Držaj Hospital and the adjacent Centre for Geriatric Medicine to improve indoor air quality and meet the relevant hygienic standards. Besides the abovementioned measures, the pitched roof of the Department for Dermatovenereology will be thermally insulated, and the roof of the Leonišče building will be retrofitted. The buildings housing the Old Traumatology Department and the Maternity Hospital will get roof covering replaced and lighting fixtures replaced with high-efficiency LED lights.

The Old Maternity Hospital will undergo energy-efficient retrofit with a complete renovation of the glass bridge connecting the building with the New Maternity Hospital – the windows of the glass bridge will be replaced and its floor insulated; in addition, below-grade basement walls in the building of the Old Maternity Hospital will be rehabilitated, and mechanical ventilation heat recovery system installed in that same building as well as in Dr Peter Držaj Hospital and the adjacent building of the Centre for Geriatric Medicine, the Leonišče, the Maternity Hospital, the residence hall for the University Medical Centre staff and the Old Traumatology Department.  

The abovementioned energy conservation measures are just some of the measures that will be carried out under the energy efficiency retrofit project that will be supported by the EU. A total of over 41,000 square metres of net floor area will be made more energy efficient as well as patient and staff friendly.

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