Boosting economy in Savinjska region: EU funding for industrial zone in Dobje

Boosting economy in Savinjska region: EU funding for industrial zone in Dobje

Ljubljana, 26 April 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved funding for the project “Equipment of Dobje Industrial Zone”. The project implemented by the municipality Dobje under the Agreement on the Development of the Savinjska Region is worth EUR 573 thousand with the European Regional Development Fund contribution standing at EUR 202 thousand.

As part of the project, municipality Dobje will establish the relevant transport, water and energy infrastructure in the industrial zone to promote new jobs, provide higher added value to small and medium-sized enterprises and enable growth and development of business. This will, in turn, strengthen the development of economic activities at the regional and national level, and at the same time improve living and employment conditions in the municipality, Obsotelje and Kozjansko and the Savinjska region.

Photo: Klemen Razinger

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