2007-2013 EU funding for the purchase and renovation of the Galeb building in Koper

2007-2013 EU funding for the purchase and renovation of the Galeb building in Koper

Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, the Managing Authority for EU Structural and Investment Funds, has approved the project Purchase and renovation of the ground floor of the Galeb building in Koper – research activity UP IAM – UP FAMNIT. The project worth a good EUR 668 thousand will receive EUR 562 thousand of European Regional Development Fund support in the frame of 2007-2013 European Cohesion Policy.  

The project covers purchasing the ground floor of the Galeb building on the Kettejeva ulica 1 Street in Koper and renovating the building for adequate and functional activities of the Andrej Marušič Institute and partially the research activities of the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies.

Purchasing new premises that will be adequately and functionally rearranged and equipped with the latest high-tech and research equipment will raise the technological level of experimental research and research work. In addition to improving the level of organisation and laboratory work, the project will also result in modernisation of the existing research methods and introduction of new research methods which will raise the quality level of scientific and research achievements and establish a closer cooperation between the researchers and the users of knowledge. This will strengthen the transfer of knowledge from academia to the public profit and non-profit sector and promote taking an interdisciplinary research approach.    

For more information, please contact the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.

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