2007-2013 EU funding for ecophysiology and environmental protection

2007-2013 EU funding for ecophysiology and environmental protection

Ljubljana, 26 November 2015 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Managing Authority for EU Structural and Investment Funds, approved the project Renovation and rearrangement and spaces and purchase of technological equipment for ecophysiology and environmental protection. The project worth EUR 615 thousand will receive EUR 500 thousand of European Regional Development Fund support under the 2007-2013 European Cohesion Policy implementation.  

The project implemented by the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia will result in the renovation of the areas of the 1st floor of the central laboratory and the purchase of new high-tech research equipment which will raise the technological level of laboratory activities. In addition to improving the level of organisation, efficiency, and quality of laboratory activities, the renovated areas will enable the implementation of complex research and tasks in the field of ecophysiology and environmental protection, namely in the field of genetics, plant physiology varietal selection, and plant production. All the abovementioned will raise the quality of scientific and research achievements, establish adequate conditions for the implementation of research projects, improve the supportive environment for the economy and thus contribute to enhancing the competitive position in the market. The new equipment will help establish the basic conditions for developing new technologies and strengthening the cooperation between the researchers and the users of knowledge. This will strengthen the transfer of knowledge from academia to the public profit and non-profit sector and promote taking an interdisciplinary research approach.   

For more information, please contact the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.

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