Krško bypass

Krško authorities used EU funding to complete the construction of a bypass road that diverted the heavy traffic running north-south away from the town centre. The bypass represents a safe transport connection and aims to relieve the town of traffic burden, while improving the quality of life in the town and reducing the negative impact of traffic in and around the town.

The previous main road that ran through the town centre significantly hindered the operation of different functional parts of the town, while several sections of the main road that crossed condensed urban structures represented bottlenecks in the relevant transport network. Once the construction work was completed, the heavy traffic reaching up to a total of 10,000 vehicles of different categories that ran through the town centre per day saw substantial reduction and was redirected from the main Posavje region arterial road towards Celje to the new bypass. 

The Krško bypass was a multi-stage project, consisting of the construction of a bridge across the Sava river next to the Krško hydroelectric power plant, the development of the northern part of the bypass running along the railway to the Vipap factory, and the construction of the additional southern or third bridge across the Sava river and the southward road section towards Žadovinek. The final stage of the project was the construction of the road, the roundabout and the development of the cycling and pedestrian infrastructure. Furthermore, the construction work also included the installation of street lighting, laying of sewers, stormwater pipes and TC cables and conduits, as well as landscaping.

Beneficiary: Slovenian Infrastructure Agency

Programme: Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the Period 2014-2020

Fund: European Regional Development Fund

Project funding: EUR 12 million

EU contribution: EUR 7.7 million
